Hi! I’m Toby Conger and I’m 7 years old.

I love to watch YouTube videos, but my mom doesn’t like all of the bad language. So she decided to build this website for me to provide a place to watch fun, clean and kid-friendly YouTube videos.

My favorite YouTube videos are Minecraft, Terraria and Sarah’s Cooking Class. I also like to watch science videos by Grant Thompson of The King of Random and The Crazy Russian Hacker. The Crazy Russian Hacker has some pretty funny prank videos that get me laughing.

I like to play OE Cake! and PowderToy on my computer. With my mom’s help, I recorded my very first video to my TobyTubyHD YouTube channel. Click here to check it out.

My mom said to tell you that she hopes you find some good videos on my website and that your kids enjoy them as much as I do.


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